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André Schnabel's Homepage

About myself

Hi, my name is André Schnabel and I'm a Computer Science student from Germany.
In my spare time I love to program videogames and compose music.
I share most of my code (e.g. the Kosu game development framework) on bitbucket and GitHub.


Many old games I've written while still in school can be downloaded here.
Quite recently I've written a small Wolf3D-clone. It's called SpaceSoldier3D (or Weltraumsoldat3D in German). It is open source! I wrote it in Java using the incredibly awesome libgdx. This library allows the game to run on all major desktop platforms (Win32/Linux/OSX) as well as on Android. It was later ported to C#/Kosu for an iOS release.
Google Play (Android)
Apple AppStore (iPad/iPodTouch/iPhone)
For more information about PetraVis please visit its official website.
My first Ludum Dare Entry. I used the theme as game name throughout development and now I'm too lazy to change that so I just called it Tiny World with my username as prefix.


  • Left&Right for horizontal movement and Up/Space for jumping.
  • Escape to go back to world overview or quit game.
  • Return to enter selected world in world overview screen.

On Android tap on the left/right border of the screen to run left/right and tap both left&right borders at the same time for jumping. Press the back button on your device to return to the world overview.

Difficulty: Easy -> small inertia, no spikes. Normal, Hard, Impossible -> growing inertia, with spikes.

Download: Desktop, Web, Source, Android, iOS (iPhone/iPodTouch/iPad), Windows Phone 7

My Delta Engine Game Jam entry. Roughly 10 hours of work. Source code and assets can be obtained from the GitHub repository. Here's a screenshot. Needs a bit of polishing until I'll publish it on Google Play and the Apple AppStore.






Twitter: 0x17